Currently browsing: Home Seller Tips

After the Sale: The Next Steps and What You’ll Need to Do Before You Move Out

Getting an offer on your home can certainly make it feel like the hard part is over, but even after the deal is sealed there’s still a lot to do when it comes to moving out. Whether you’re getting prepared for a future move or your buyer has just signed on the dotted line, here are the first steps to take once it’s certain your property is off the market.

Five Ways to Make Your Home’s ‘Curb Appeal’ Better Than Your Neighbors’

Curb appeal, or how your home looks from the street, is an essential part of preparing to sell your house. It’s also where comparison with your neighbors’ homes is inescapable – which poses a problem if you’re both on the market. Read on for five ways to boost your own curb appeal.

Did You Know?: How You Arrange Your Furniture Can Turn Off Potential Buyers. Here’s Why

Most sellers focus on finding the right furniture to stage their home, but they never consider how the placement of that furniture can undo all their hard work. It’s a subconscious thing, but the arrangement of items in the home can really make a difference with buyers.

Budget-Friendly DIY Projects That Instantly Boost Curb Appeal

We’re told not to judge a book by its cover, but there’s no such rule in the housing market. Curb appeal is the external attractiveness of a home, and if you’re in the market for a house that first impression has a lot to do with your final decision. Alternatively, if you’re looking to sell, it’s an easy area to boost the attractiveness of your home.

How To Host A Successful Open House

From fixing up all the minor repairs to cleaning the house top-to-bottom, there are a lot of small details that go into organizing the perfect open house. However, in the rush to organize everything, there are a number of to-do’s that are easy to forget about. If you’re currently prepping your home and don’t want to miss the important stuff, here are some things you should contemplate before setting the date.

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