All posts by George Duarte

Forget About the Bank of Mom and Dad — Here’s How You Can Save Your Own Down Payment

Are you considering buying a home for the first time? It might come as a surprise that you’ll want to have approximately 20% of the purchase price of your home for a down payment. For some, it can seem nearly impossible to come up with the funds. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can save a little over time and not have to borrow from the “Bank of Mom and Dad”.

Buying a Home in a Fire Risk Area: Here’s What You Need to Know

Outside of the significant financial responsibility of delving into home ownership, there can also be a lot of other risks involved that you may not have thought about as a new homeowner. While the requirement of homeowner’s insurance is well known and guarding your house against theft can be commonplace, if you happen to be living in an area that’s at high risk of fire, here are some things to consider beforehand.

Mortgage Tips: Answers to 4 Common Questions About Reverse Mortgages

There are many mortgage products on the market that work for all different kinds of homebuyers, but many people have not heard about reverse mortgages and how they can benefit their situation. If you’re curious about this type of mortgage and want to know more, here are some questions that will get you on the road to understanding the ins-and-outs of this product.

Recently Lost Your Job? 3 Tips for Managing Your Mortgage When You’re Out of Work

The financial responsibility of a monthly mortgage payment can be stressful on its own, but you may be even more concerned about your home investment if you’ve recently lost your job. Fortunately, there are some things you can do and places you can turn if you’re not yet certain where your next paycheck will come from. If you’re struggling with newfound unemployment, here are some important steps to take.

$100 Well Spent: 5 Useful Home Upgrades That Cost Less Than $100

Whether you’re trying to improve the look of your home or are getting ready to put it on the market, the idea of renovations can seem like a significant financial burden to take on. Fortunately, there are a variety of easy solutions for improving the look of your home without all the added expense. If you’re wondering how you can spend $100 wisely, look no further than the following upgrading tips.

NAHB: Builder Confidence in Market Conditions Dips in July

According to the National Association of Home Builders, July builder sentiment dipped to an index reading of 64 as compared to June’s revised reading of 66, the original reading was 67. Analysts expected the reading for July to increase to 68. Builders cited increasing lumber prices as a concern affecting builders’ outlook on housing market conditions for new single-family homes. Any reading over 50 for the NAHB Housing Market Index indicates that more builders than fewer are positive about housing market conditions, but July’s reading was the lowest in eight months. NAHB said that home builder confidence in market condition “remains strong.”

Going Green(er): 3 Common Waste Items You Had No Idea You Can Recycle

It has never been more popular to live a “green” lifestyle and develop sustainable living practices that will help out the planet. While you may be used to recycling cardboard boxes and giving away your old hand-me-down clothes, there are probably a few household items you didn’t even know you could recycle! If you’re wondering what to do with some of your old, used items, here are a few things that may be ready for re-use.

Buyer Beware: Three Major Red Flags to Watch for When Visiting Open Houses

Open houses are a good opportunity to get out and about to see what kind of home you’re looking for, and if it will work for you. Fortunately, they can also be a good opportunity to find out some things about the house you’re looking at that might not be listed on the website and may be less than flattering. If you’re wondering what red flags to watch out for, pay attention to the following things the next time you’re at a showing.

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