All posts by George Duarte

First Time Home Buyers: 3 Essential Tips That You Won’t Hear from Your Friends

When it comes to diving into home ownership for the first time, it can seem like there are so many things you just don’t know. Whether you’re getting advice from your real estate agent, your friends or your family, there are so many things that seem like common sense that they might be lost in the mix of details.

Buy Your Home Today: Understanding Why It’s a Bad Idea to Try and Time the Mortgage Market

It’s often the case that people will opt to postpone home ownership until the best rates are available or it’s a more stable investment, but in an ever-shifting market it may not be the best decision to put such a sizeable investment off. Here are some reasons you may want to start putting your time into searching for a home.

Did You Know?: How You Arrange Your Furniture Can Turn Off Potential Buyers. Here’s Why

Most sellers focus on finding the right furniture to stage their home, but they never consider how the placement of that furniture can undo all their hard work. It’s a subconscious thing, but the arrangement of items in the home can really make a difference with buyers.

The Major Keys to Understanding When It’s Time to Refinance Your Mortgage

As a homeowner, you may have heard the term refinancing without being aware of exactly what it means, but there are a lot of pros and cons associated with what it can do for your financial situation. While getting a different new loan for your mortgage can be a good financial decision in certain situations, here are some things you should consider before you decide that this is the right choice for you.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 17, 2016

Job openings were lower in August after hitting an all-time high in July according to the federal government. Job openings fell to 5.44 million in August as compared to July’s reading of 5.83 million job openings, Job openings reached 5.31 million in August of 2015. Job quits were unchanged in August with a reading of 3.0 million quits; the quits rate was 2.20 percent. There were 5.4 million hires in August as compared to 5.8 million hires in July. The hiring rate held steady at 3.60 percent.

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