All posts by George Duarte

When is Refinancing Not a Good Idea?

Refinancing your home can be a great way to reduce monthly mortgage payments or interest rates – or even pay off your debt faster. And while it is a useful tool in budgeting for millions of homeowners, a home refinance may not necessarily be useful in every situation – in fact, there are some situations where refinancing can cost you a great deal of money.

So when should you skip the refinance and simply keep with the original plan? Here’s what you need to know.

How to Lower Your Mortgage Interest Rate

Mortgage interest rates are at historical lows right now, but they’re expected to start rising soon. That’s why savvy buyers are taking steps to ensure they get the best possible interest rates on the market and then lock those rates in for the long term. But even if interest rates are already low, that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce them further.

So how can you save even more money on your monthly interest payments? Here’s what you need to know.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 2, 2016

Last week’s economic news included Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, along with new and pending home sales readings. The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve met analyst’s expectations and did not raise the target federal funds rate, which remains at 0.25 to 0.50 percent. Freddie Mac’s mortgage rates survey and the Labor Department’s weekly jobless claims report were also released.

Fed Holds Steady on Federal Funds Rate

In its post-meeting statement, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve announced its decision not to raise the current federal funds rate of 0.25 to 0.50 percent. Although FOMC members acknowledged further improvement in the U.S. economy and jobs markets.

The HARP Refinance Program Has Been Extended into 2016: Here’s How You Can Take Advantage

With the Home Affordable Refinancing Program recently being extended until the last day of December, 2016, many homeowners who have found their assets in a challenging situation have been given a second chance to apply and receive an affordable mortgage.

5 Documents First-time Home-buyers Need for a Smoother Purchasing Process

With all the work that goes into finding the kind of home you’ll want to put an offer on, it can be easy to forget about all the little things that happen after the deal has been made. While the paperwork involved in purchasing may seem like a long way off, here’s a quick review of some of the documents you’ll need when the time comes to seal the deal.

You Ask, We Answer: 5 Ways That You Can Proactively Build and Improve Your Credit Score

If you’re planning to buy a house or take out a business loan in the near future, you’ll want to work hard to boost your credit score well ahead of time in order to improve your likelihood of getting the loan you need. But what can you do in order to build your credit score over time? Here’s what you need to know.

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