Mortgage rates and stock markets rose last week in response to a strong jobs report and lower national unemployment rate. The Dow Jones Index reached record levels last week.
Mortgage rates and stock markets rose last week in response to a strong jobs report and lower national unemployment rate. The Dow Jones Index reached record levels last week.
Not all loans are approved. And even when they aren’t approved immediately, it doesn’t have to be the end of your real estate dreams.
The previous couple years’ doom and gloom outlook is looking like it is turning more upbeat and robust for the rest of 2013.
19 of 20 metro areas showed higher home prices in Q 4 2012 with the New York metro area showing a decrease in home prices; this could be due in part to the impact of Hurricane Sandy.
With spring right around the corner, you might be thinking about sprucing up your home.
Mortgage rates were lower last week as investors sought safety in bonds in the wake of US legislators’ failure to agree on budget cutbacks, and after Italyâs elections failed to reveal a leader committed to continuing economic reform.
Owning real estate can make a big difference on your tax return, so make sure that you’re taking advantage of all the deductions you’re entitled to.
Home sales rose for the 11th consecutive month according to the National Association of REALTORS® Existing Home Sales Report for January.
Instead of going for larger homes, which was an overwhelming trend in years past, many people are choosing micro-dwellings.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) released minutes from its January meeting on Wednesday, as it generally does three weeks following the meeting.
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