All posts by George Duarte

Escrow And Your Mortgage: The Most Important Points To Know

There are a lot of complicated terms thrown around regarding your mortgage, and one of them is an escrow account. You will probably hear that your lender will collect some additional money every month for escrow payments. If you take a look at your mortgage statement, you will see your interest, your principal, and your escrow. What does this mean, and why do you have to pay additional money that isn’t going toward the balance of your loan?

The Right (And Wrong) Reasons To Buy A House

There are many people who dream of owning a home, but you need to purchase your home for the right reasons. Simply purchasing a house because other people are doing so is not a strong reason to make such an expensive purchase. What are some of the reasons why you should purchase a house? What are some examples of bad reasons to buy a home?

Mortgage 101: How Interest-Only Mortgages Work and Why They’re A Good Solution for Some Buyers

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced real estate investor, if you are planning to borrow funds to buy a home you will want to choose the right mortgage product. In today’s blog post we’ll explore how interest-only mortgages work and why they’re the perfect choice for some homebuyers.

The Benefits of Using a Veterans (VA) Loan To Purchase Your Home

U.S. military veterans have opportunities to enjoy some richly-deserved benefits in other aspects of their lives, including some special options for financing their homes. VA loans may give active military personnel, retired veterans, and sometimes surviving family members of veterans the ability to purchase homes that might not prove available to them through more conventional mortgage loans.

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