All posts by George Duarte

The Top Tech Upgrades For Your Home During A Home Improvement Project

If you want to increase the value of your home, you might be thinking about conducting a renovation project. You can significantly increase the appeal of your home if you add some advanced technology. What are a few of the top tech upgrades you should consider adding to your home? Take a look at some of the top options below, and consider reaching out to a professional who can help you.

3 Tips for Planning Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

Once you’ve purchased a home and decided on a move in date, it may seem like a lot of the hard stuff is over, but you still have one of the most important things relating to such a large purchase to think about: the payments! If you’re looking for a few tips on ways to approach your monthly payment, the following will steer you in the right direction so you can broach your mortgage schedule successfully.

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