All posts by George Duarte

The Top Issues Homeowners Cannot Ignore

Owning a home can be a major investment, but it is also a significant responsibility. From time to time, issues can pop up, and it is important for homeowners not to ignore them. Ignoring these issues can lead to significant repair bills down the road. What are some of the top issues that homeowners should not ignore?

Do You Want To Own A Second Home?

It is important for people to diversify their investments, and this includes real estate. Many people dream of owning a home, but there are many people who own more than one home. As remote work has become more common, owning a second home has become more common as well. This has provided people with a tremendous amount of flexibility, and you might be thinking about purchasing a second home as well. What are some of the benefits you might enjoy?

Til’ Debt Do Us Part: How to Get a Mortgage If One Spouse Has A Poor Credit Score

A poor credit history is a reality for many people, but it can be particularly daunting when it comes to investing in a house. Fortunately, simply because you or yours have experienced bad credit doesn’t mean that you should be penalized in the future. If your spouse has struggled with bad credit in the past but you’re both preparing to move forward and invest in a home, here are some tips for getting it together financially.

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