All posts by George Duarte

5 Uncommon Mortgage Terms You Need to Know

When it comes to finding a new home, there are lots of complex ratios, terms, and contracts that you’ll encounter – and at times, it’ll feel like you’re trying to navigate a minefield. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself signing on for a mortgage that doesn’t suit your needs – or one that could financially ruin you. Here are five mortgage terms you may not encounter regularly that you’ll need to know when buying a home.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – January 31, 2022

Last week’s economic reporting included readings from S&P Case Shiller Home Price Indices and the FHFA on home prices, data on new home sales, and the Federal Reserve’s statement on the federal interest rate range. The University of Michigan released its monthly survey on Consumer Sentiment and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published.

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