
Community Living: The Quick and Easy Guide to Starting a Community Garden

Ah, the city. With so many people living in an urban landscape these days, it can be hard to find anything more than a planter on the balcony for your herbs. And good luck finding space for vegetables or large flowering plants! Fortunately, coming up with a community garden can be a great way to get the locals together. If you’re wondering how to get started with this fun project, begin with the following guide.

5 Things That First-time Home Buyers Wish They Knew Before They Signed

Without a doubt, it can be both overwhelming and exciting to find your dream home and be able to put the money down for it. However, there are a lot of things to know before signing on the dotted line so you can avoid buyer’s remorse. Instead of going it alone, here are a few tips to keep in mind before you decide to commit to your new home.

Living Under Water Restrictions? Transform Your Garden With These Succulent Plants

It can be difficult to deal with water restrictions if you’re a bit of a green thumb and don’t want your beautiful plants to go to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of succulents out there that can be quite striking and will still be able to store the water they need to survive. If you’re looking for some low-maintenance plants that thrive in the dry season, here are a few succulents that will do the trick.

Thinking About a New Home? 3 Reasons Why a Mortgage Will Be the Best Money You Ever Borrow

In these days of low interest rates, it can be a great idea to get into the real estate market and invest in a home. However, if you don’t have the funds saved up to buy a home outright, it may seem like more of a burden than it’s worth. The good news is that you might qualify for a mortgage loan, which tend to come with more favorable terms than a traditional bank loan. Here are three reasons why a mortgage might just be the best money you ever borrow.

Finding Your Latte Factor: 3 Ways to Find the Money to Make Extra Mortgage Payments

It’s not uncommon for a homeowner to want to pay more than the minimum monthly mortgage payment on their home. However, just because it can seem hard to come up with the funds on a monthly basis doesn’t mean it’s not possible to find the money for extra mortgage payments each year. If you’re wondering how you can pay down your mortgage debt much sooner with extra money, here are some tricks you may want to try.

Investing in a New Home? 3 Reasons You Can’t Skip the Pest Inspection

There are so many small details involved in the final sale of a home that it can be easy to forget about all of the things that need to be done. While you won’t be able to forget about a home inspection, a pest inspection can be every bit as important before you sign on the dotted line. If you’re wondering why you shouldn’t forego this important step, consider the following information.

Forget About the Bank of Mom and Dad — Here’s How You Can Save Your Own Down Payment

Are you considering buying a home for the first time? It might come as a surprise that you’ll want to have approximately 20% of the purchase price of your home for a down payment. For some, it can seem nearly impossible to come up with the funds. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can save a little over time and not have to borrow from the “Bank of Mom and Dad”.

Buying a Home in a Fire Risk Area: Here’s What You Need to Know

Outside of the significant financial responsibility of delving into home ownership, there can also be a lot of other risks involved that you may not have thought about as a new homeowner. While the requirement of homeowner’s insurance is well known and guarding your house against theft can be commonplace, if you happen to be living in an area that’s at high risk of fire, here are some things to consider beforehand.

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