
Selling Social: How to Leverage Your Social Network to Sell Your Home Faster

There were days when the marketing of a home involved plunking a sign into the front yard, but with the power of the Internet, there are many mediums through which home sellers can find potential buyers. If you’re currently looking at ways to use the power of social media in order to get your ideal purchase price, here are some things you can do to best harness its capabilities.

Did You Know? A Mortgage Professional Can Save You a Lot of Money. Here’s How

Many people forego a mortgage broker and decide to go through the application process on their own, but a mortgage professional can actually work to save you money when it comes to your biggest investment. Here are a few reasons you may want to consult a broker to make for an improved real estate investment.

Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Continues

Home increased in October according to Case-Shiller’s 20City Home Price Index. Home prices rose from September’s annualized reading of 5.40 percent to 5.60 percent. Factors contributing to rising home prices include stronger economic conditions and outlook along with short inventories of available homes coupled with high demand. On average, October home prices rose 5.10 percent on seasonally adjusted annual basis, which was unchanged from September’s reading.

3 Things You Must Do after Inheriting a Home

There can be a lot of excitement when it comes to the realization that you’ve inherited a home, but simply because it’s an inheritance doesn’t mean there aren’t a few strings attached. Whether you’re expecting to be gifted with a home in the future or you’re currently going through this process, here are a few things you may need to watch out for.

After the Sale: The Next Steps and What You’ll Need to Do Before You Move Out

Getting an offer on your home can certainly make it feel like the hard part is over, but even after the deal is sealed there’s still a lot to do when it comes to moving out. Whether you’re getting prepared for a future move or your buyer has just signed on the dotted line, here are the first steps to take once it’s certain your property is off the market.

Understanding the HARP Program and How to Qualify for a HARP Mortgage

Interest rates may be relatively low, but if you’re a homeowner who is struggling with your monthly mortgage payment, it may be time to consider what re-financing options are available on the market. If you are looking for a lower interest rate to improve your financial health, here’s what you need to know about the HARP program so you can take advantage of a better rate.

Mythbusting: Understanding Mortgage Myths and Why They Shouldn’t Hold You Back

With the fluctuations in real estate and the increasing cost of home ownership, many people are entering the market with more trepidation these days. If you’re interested in purchasing a home but are unsure about whether it will get approved, here are a few myths you may want to dispel.

Graduating Soon? Tips to Prepare You for Your First Mortgage

If you’ve recently graduated from college, or will be graduating soon, and plan to become a homeowner, you’re in a somewhat unique position. You’re about to embark on a great journey, but at the same time, you may also be taking on an awful lot of debt. That said, it is possible to successfully manage a high debt load if you’re careful.

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