
Buying a New Home? Use This Checklist to Ensure Your Finances Are in Order

Buying a home is a significant expense. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time buyer or have experience. Unless you have a large pile of cash, you’ll need to ensure your finances are in order before closing. In this post we’ll explore four financial items you’ll want to check off before buying a new home.

Baby on the Way? Helpful Advice for Managing a Mortgage With Only One Parent Working

If you’re dealing with paying off your mortgage and going down to a one-income family, it can be complicated to determine how to financially swing it. While managing a mortgage on just one salary can be a challenge, there are a few simple things you can do to make it work.

$500 Renovations That Will Boost Your Home’s Value and Speed Up Your Sale

The idea of home renovations when you’re selling your home can be unpopular because of the cost and time that can go into sprucing up a place you’re about to leave behind. However, making a few simple, economical touches can go a long way to capitalizing on your home’s value and making a difference in dollars.

First Time Home Buyers: 3 Essential Tips That You Won’t Hear from Your Friends

When it comes to diving into home ownership for the first time, it can seem like there are so many things you just don’t know. Whether you’re getting advice from your real estate agent, your friends or your family, there are so many things that seem like common sense that they might be lost in the mix of details.

Buy Your Home Today: Understanding Why It’s a Bad Idea to Try and Time the Mortgage Market

It’s often the case that people will opt to postpone home ownership until the best rates are available or it’s a more stable investment, but in an ever-shifting market it may not be the best decision to put such a sizeable investment off. Here are some reasons you may want to start putting your time into searching for a home.

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