
Locked in a Bidding War? 3 Tactics That Will Ensure That You Reign Supreme with a Winning Bid

Bidding wars can be ugly, nasty things – but with the right tactics, you can come out a winner without having to double your offer. Welcome to basic training – today, you’ll learn how to navigate the obstacle course that is a real estate bidding war and come out on top. Put these three strategies to use and you’ll easily win the home of your dreams.

Can You Give a Relative a Gift of Cash for a Mortgage Down Payment? Yes – Here’s How

A new house is a major investment. Even if you have a mortgage, the bank and the seller will still expect a sizable down payment. That’s why lots of people regularly gift down payments to friends and relatives – it’s a great way to help young people start out on the path of home ownership.

How Much Should You Budget for Closing Costs? Let’s Take a Look

If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably trying to budget for all of the expenses that come with a home purchase. After all, the asking price isn’t necessarily the entire amount that you’ll pay – there are other expenses that will factor in to the final price. One such expense is your closing costs.

Real Estate Investing: Why Buying a Condo in a Ski Resort Area Can Be a Great Investment

The decision to invest in real estate can be one rife with risk, but if you’re ready to take this type of step into the investment market, you might be wondering where to begin. While upcoming neighborhoods and university areas may always be a place where investment is a viable idea, here are some reasons it can be a boon to consider a resort condo.

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