Currently browsing: Home Mortgage Tips

Did You Know: Your Choice of Community Will Impact Your Mortgage – Here’s How

If you are in the market for a new home, you’ve probably begun the process of choosing the neighborhood or community in which you want to live. The perfect spot to call home will depend on your age, the size and composition of your family, your working life and other factors. In today’s post, we’ll explore how the local area in which you live can affect your mortgage financing and interest rate.

It’s Pre-approval Time: How to Get Your Finances in Order for Your Mortgage Approval

Buying a new home is one of the most exciting experiences a person or family can have. Of course, before you can step foot into your new dream home you will need to get prepared financially, especially if you are taking out a mortgage to cover some of the purchase price. Let’s take a look at a few key steps that will help you to prepare for the financial background checks that are part of the mortgage process.

How Much Is the Right Amount to Commit to Your Down Payment? Let’s Take a Look

Are you thinking about buying a new house or apartment? If you are going to take out mortgage financing, one consideration you will have is your down payment, which is the amount you pay up front in cash to cover some of the purchase cost. Let’s consider a few points that will help you to decide how much is the right amount for your down payment.

Speed up Your Mortgage Closing Process With This Handy Four-step Guide

Are you in the market for a new house or apartment? If you are financing the purchase by taking out a mortgage, you’ll want to know how to make this transaction run as smooth as possible. In today’s article, we’ll share a quick four-step guide to speeding up the mortgage closing process.

Worried About Interest Rates Rising? Here’s How You Can Prepare for an Upward Trend

Whether you are just starting to shop for a new home or you’ve been paying off your mortgage for years, the news of potential interest rate increases may be worrying. In today’s article, we’ll explore interest rates and how you can prepare for an upward trend in rates if and when the time comes.

You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Fees and Costs That Come Along With a Mortgage?

Have you been considering a mortgage for your next home purchase? As with any loan or financial product, there are a variety of fees and costs you may incur in the process of closing your mortgage. In today’s post, we’ll explore a few of these potential fees and the situations in which you may encounter them.

Understanding the Differences Between ‘Prequalified’ And ‘Preapproved’ For a Mortgage

Are you in the market for a new home? If you are going to rely on mortgage financing to cover some of the purchase cost, you will need to start the application process as soon as possible. However, what if you just need to know how much you will be able to borrow so you can start finding homes in your price range?

4 Smart Money Habits That Will Help You Save up a Mortgage Down Payment Faster

Are you ready for home ownership? The prospect of owning your own house or apartment is an exciting one, but with any financial transaction this large there are some things to consider. The first is your down payment – that is, the initial payment you’ll put against the cost of the house to reduce the amount that you’re borrowing in a mortgage. Let’s have a look at four habits that will help you to get your down payment saved up faster.

Closing Costs 101: Expert Tips for Keeping Your Costs Down When Finalizing Your Mortgage

Are you thinking about buying a new home? If you are going to make use of mortgage financing, you may be wondering about some of the costs attached. As you may have heard, all mortgages have a number of fees and other costs that are assessed at the “close,” or when you finalize the loan. Let’s take a look at a few expert tips that will help you to keep your closing costs to a minimum when you take out your next mortgage.

First-time Buyers: Boost Your Chances of Mortgage Pre-approval With These 4 Tips

Buying a home for the first time? If you plan on taking out a mortgage, you will likely want to know just how you can get pre-approved for enough financing to get the home of your dreams. In today’s post, we will share four tips that will help you to boost your chances of a successful pre-approval when you apply for a mortgage.

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