All posts tagged: Around The Home

Spring is Almost Here: Planning a Massive Spring Cleaning in Just 4 Easy Steps

It may seem like the holiday season has just passed, but it won’t be too long before the flowers begin to bloom and spring peeks out from around the corner. While the tradition of spring cleaning that comes with the season may not be as common as it once was, it can actually be a great way to revive and refresh and prepare for the summer ahead.

Dealing with an Empty Nest? 5 Great Reasons to Downsize into a New Condo

There’s a good chance if your children have recently moved out that your home is feeling a lot larger than it used to, and perhaps you’re re-considering the extra space. If downsizing to a condo is on your mind and you’re weighing the benefits of this kind of move, here are some that might make it worth the switch in size.

Remodeling 101: How to Create a Proper Budget for Any Renovation, Large or Small

Whether you’re readying to put your home on the market or you haven’t updated your space in a while and want to modernize, approaching renovations can be a struggle. With so many things to fix up, both large and small, it can seem overwhelming to prioritize, set the money aside and get to work. Here are some tips for how to properly prioritize so you can maximize your renovation expenditures.

Tiny, but Cozy: 3 Ways to Furnish Small Spaces to Make Them Feel Much Larger

When decorating a small space, there is a general desire to make the space look and feel larger than it is while also meeting basic functional needs in the room. By following a few important tips, it is possible to furnish smaller spaces so that they are functional and do not feel cramped.

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