All posts tagged: Home Ownership

The Average Length Of Homeownership For Most Families

It is critical for everyone to find a home that is right for them. Given the current lack of inventory, this can be a significant challenge. Fortunately, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) keeps track of numerous market aspects, including how long the average family stays in a home.

Buying a Home While Relocating is a Smarter Choice

The idea of buying a home is challenging enough as the process requires a lengthy approval validation, paperwork, financing, and the actual move with logistics. However, when one really looks at what typically occurs with relocation, buying versus renting can start to make more sense over time.

3 Great Homebuying Tools Millenials Have Available to Them Right Now

The economy seems to be heating up rapidly, but home loan interest rates are still at historically low levels. Real estate values have climbed a bit across the country, but low interest rates and affordable prices makes for an excellent opportunity for new homeowners to get into their first home before it rates and prices rise higher.

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