All posts tagged: Interest Rates

3 Reasons You Should Trust in a Mortgage Advisor Instead of Trying to Predict Rates

If the time has come to purchase a home and you’ve been perusing the real estate market, it’s possible you’ve also been considering the mortgage options that might work best for you. In the event that you’re already spending a lot of time looking at homes and trying to sell your own, here are a few reasons you may want to leave your mortgage considerations to a professional.

Ignore ‘The Bubble’ Talk – 3 Reasons Why This is an Excellent Time to Buy Real Estate

While a gloomy outlook on the real estate market can strike fear in some hearts and may deter a purchase until a later date, the fact is that this is an excellent time to purchase property. In fact, there are three good reasons why potential buyers may want to start moving forward with their buying plans soon.

3 Reasons Why the Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate Isn’t Always Your Best Option

One of the more common methods that home loan applicants use to find the best loan program available is to compare interest rates, but choosing the lowest rate possible is not always the best option available. In fact, in some cases, it may be one of the least advantageous options when all factors are considered.

Variable-rate vs. Fixed-rate Mortgages – Which is Better for Your Financial Situation?

If you are thinking about applying for a mortgage, it is important that you consider all of the options carefully and that you understand the key differences between them. Let’s compare variable-rate and fixed-rate mortgages to see which might be the best in your situation.

Understanding the Key Factors That Affect Your Mortgage Interest Rate

When you initially start shopping for a home mortgage, you may be drawn to advertisements for ultra-low interest rates. However, the unfortunate truth is that all too often, mortgage applicants are unpleasantly surprised and even disheartened to learn that they do not qualify for the advertised interest rate.

The Happenings In A Reverse Mortgage

When you’re looking for ways to supplement your retirement income, there are a number of different options to consider. A reverse mortgage is becoming a more popular and more common way to provide income when your retirement savings don’t leave enough to live on.

Are Interest Rates On The Rise – What’s The Next Move?

As the federal reserve continues to taper quantitative easing measures, financial experts project mortgage interest rates will climb in the next two years. Could this be the much awaited ray of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for builders and investors or will it drive hesitant home buyers to dig in and shelter in place?

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