All posts tagged: Mortgage Tips

The Basics Of A Mortgage

The vast majority of people who are interested in buying a home are not going to be able to pay cash for the home. Even for those who can buy a home in cash, they often would rather take out a loan to avoid pulling money out of their investments where they would have to pay capital gains taxes.

Routine Maintenance Of Various Systems In Your Home

When you are a first-time homeowner, learning about your property can feel overwhelming. There are a number of systems in your home that require routine maintenance. Knowing when to have system serviced will help keep your home running smoothly. From the plumbing in your home, to the heating and cooling, understand that each system may need routine maintenance from time to time.

Credit Score Got You Concerned? Here’s 3 Ways to Get It Together

If you’re worried about your bad credit, you’ll want to do everything in your power to improve your rating as quickly as possible – especially if you are looking to purchase a home in the near future. Improving your credit rating can give you access to better interest rates on mortgages or even help you to get that job you’re after.

3 Things That Determine Your Mortgage Interest Rate

When you initially start shopping for a home mortgage, you may be drawn to advertisements for ultra-low interest rates. These may be rates that seem too good to be true, and you may gladly contact the lender or mortgage company to complete your loan application. However, in many cases, mortgage applicants are unpleasantly surprised and even disheartened to learn that they do not qualify for the advertised interest rate. By learning more about the factors that influence your interest rate, you may be able to structure your loan in a more advantageous way.

Thinking of Buying a Second Home? Assess Your Finances First

The decision to buy a second home may be made for a number of reasons. For example, you may have a destination where you and your family love to spend free time in, and you may be ready to settle into your own space in this location. You may be considering the tax benefits associated with a second home, and you may even have plans to live in the home as your primary residence after you retire.

Why Your ‘Debt-to-Income Ratio’ Number Matters When Obtaining a Mortgage

If you are looking to buy a home, you may want to consider shopping for a loan first. Having your financing squared away ahead of time can make it easier to be taken seriously by buyers and help move along the closing process. For those who are looking to get a mortgage soon, keep in mind that the Debt-to-Income ratio of the borrower plays a huge role in the approval of your mortgage application.

Bi-weekly or Monthly Mortgage Payments – Which is better?

When you apply for a new mortgage, your lender may ask if you want to set up monthly payments or bi-weekly payments. At one time, monthly payments were common, but bi-weekly payments are increasing in popularity. This is because they break a large expense up into two smaller and seemingly more manageable payments. In addition, you can also make what equates to a full extra payment on the mortgage each year with a bi-weekly payment structure. Before you decide which is best for you, consider a few factors.

The Pros and Cons of Mortgage Rate Locks

If you’re just jumping into the game of home purchasing, you are likely considering all of your loan options and may even have heard the term mortgage lock. For those who don’t like to gamble, a mortgage rate lock can offer a bit of reassurance, but there are also some downsides to this type of protection. Before signing off on this, here are the details on rate locks so you can make an informed decision.

How to Determine the Right Mortgage for You: The Pros and Cons of Each Type

Finding the right mortgage can be a struggle. There’s a wide array of mortgage products on the market, and you don’t always need to get a mortgage through your bank – and with so many options, it’s hard to know which one is your best bet.

Your ideal mortgage will depend on your own individual financial situation, but when you understand how different kinds of mortgages work, it’s easier to choose the right one. Here’s what you need to know about mortgage types.

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