All posts tagged: Mortgage

Mortgage Interest Rate Versus APR: What To Know

When you go through the process of applying for a mortgage, you need to make sure you understand all of the terms on the page. Two of the most common numbers you will come across include the mortgage rate and the APR. Many people associate both of these numbers with interest rates, but you will probably notice that they are not quite the same. What are the differences between these two numbers, and how are they going to impact your mortgage loan?

Navigating A Market With Higher Interest Rate

Even though interest rates have gone up significantly during the past few months, there are still opportunities for you to find a home at a great price. The high interest rate can be discouraging for some people, but as long as you know how to navigate the market, you can still put yourself in a position to be successful.

Is A VA Loan The Best Option For Your Needs?

If you plan on buying a house in the near future, there are a few mortgage options available. One potential option is called a VA loan. This is a loan that has been backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and it could provide you with some added flexibility that you can use to purchase a house. Is a VA loan right for you? There are a few points to keep in mind.

Bridge Loans: What You Need To Know

Are you in the process of selling your home? You probably want to buy a new one right now to ensure you have another house to move into, but what happens if you do not have the cash to buy a home right now? You might need to cash from your current home before you can purchase your next home, but can you really wait to sell your house before buying another one? A bridge loan can help you fix this issue. What is a bridge loan, and how does it work?

A Reverse Mortgage And A Home Equity Conversion: What To Know

If you are getting ready to retire, you need to make sure you have income to support yourself during your golden years. One popular option is a reverse mortgage, and you can use it to supplement the benefits you receive through Social Security. On the other hand, you may have also heard about a home equity conversion mortgage. What are the differences between them, and which one is right for you?

Why Should You Consider Getting An Adjustable Rate Mortgage?

If you are planning on buying a house in the near future, you have probably seen that there are multiple options available. You might even be considering an adjustable-rate mortgage, usually shortened to ARM. While many people opt for a fixed-rate mortgage, there are a few reasons to consider an ARM as well. What are some of the top advantages to keep in mind?

Short-Term Vacation Rentals: What To Know

If you are interested in purchasing a rental property, you might want a short-term rental that you can use as a vacation home. This can be a great way to generate some additional income, and you might be able to make thousands of dollars every week if you purchase a property in the right location. On the other hand, there are several important factors you need to consider before you purchase a rental property.

What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Putting 20 Percent Down On A Home Purchase?

Several generations ago, lenders required home buyers to have a 20 percent down payment in order to get a mortgage. While there were a few options out there for people who couldn’t save this substantial amount, the reality was that for the majority of people, the 20 percent down was a requirement.

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