All posts tagged: Mortgage

FHA Cash-Out Refinance – Are You Eligible?

If you have equity in your home, you may wonder how you can access it. You don’t want to sell your home, but you know you’ve earned a profit from it.

We have many options to secure your home’s equity, one of which is the FHA cash-out refinance. Unlike the FHA streamline refinance, you don’t have to be a current FHA borrower. As long as you meet the requirements below, you can use an FHA loan to cash into your home’s equity.

Homeownership And The American Dream: Is It Changing?

There are a few parts of American culture that people believe define this country. One element is the dream of homeownership. There is a strong belief that people need a place to call home. Therefore, since the dawn of this country, the government has tried to incentivize people to purchase a home. At the same time, there are some people who are looking at the younger generation, wondering if this American Dream is starting to change. Is homeownership still a part of the American Dream?

Taking A Closer Look At Affordability: Renting And Buying

There are many people who are looking at the housing market wondering if now is the time to make the jump from renting to owning. At the same time, is it more affordable to rent a home? Or, is it a smarter move to buy a home? Even though many people like the comfort of renting because it is someone else’s problem if something goes wrong, waiting too long to purchase a home could be costly. What are a few of the most important points people need to keep in mind when it comes to renting versus buying a home?

A Review Of Government Vs Conventional Mortgages

There are two broad categories of mortgages. The first is government mortgages, which include USDA, FHA, and VA loans. These loans are backed and insured by the United States government. The other category is conventional mortgages. These are mortgages that are insured by private lenders, such as banks and credit unions. What are the differences between these two loan options?

Refinancing A Mortgage: Is It Too Soon?

Because mortgage rates are still hovering near record lows, many homeowners are considering refinancing to a lower interest rate. This is a great way for homeowners to shorten the term of the loan, reduce the size of their monthly payments, and access cash for a home improvement project. On the other hand, there are some situations where it might be too soon to refinance an existing mortgage. What are a few factors to consider?

Is an ARM Loan Right for You?

In today’s competitive housing industry, it’s important to find the loan that’s right for you. With the low-interest-rate environment, many buyers wonder if an ARM loan is the best choice. Here’s everything you should consider before choosing an A

Deciding Whether To Move or Refinance: Which Is The Better Option?

There are a lot of people who are wondering if now is the right time to move or refinance their current home loan. With interest rates still favorable, a lot of homeowners have the potential to save a lot of money if they are able to secure a home loan with a lower interest rate. There are two ways homeowners can secure a home loan with a lower interest rate. The first is to refinance. The second is to move. Which option is better? There are a few key points to keep in mind.

Understanding Appraisals and What to Do If Your Home Doesn’t Appraise for Its Purchase Price

It can be a bit of a surprise if your home turns out to be valued at less than the purchase price offered, but this is the type of thing that can occur in an appraisal situation. While this can change everything from your contract to the amount of your down payment, if your home has been appraised at less than you envisioned, here are some options you may want to consider.

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