All posts tagged: Mortgage

The Home-Buying Closing Process in a Nutshell

The closing process for a home purchase is an exciting time. The home is finished, the purchase is ready to be finalized and it’s almost time to move in. The final steps of the closing process ensures both parties are able to meet their requirements and all the paperwork is in place and verified.

Pros and Cons of Adjustable Rate Mortgages

When you are in the market for a new home, you may be faced with numerous options for financing your home. One of the choices you will have to make is whether to apply for a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage. In some cases, an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) may be your best option, but keep in mind, they are not the answer for everyone.

Look Beyond The Interest Rate: What Else Matters When Choosing A Mortgage Lender?

Most consumers securing a mortgage plan to remain in that loan for 30 years. During that time, the borrower maintains a relationship with the loan servicer or lender. Most often, home buyers do not think twice about who the mortgage lender is, but rather focus on the interest rates offered.

Questions and Answers Regarding The Veterans Loan Program

Owning a home is important to military veterans just like the majority of other consumers. The Veteran’s Administration has provided an exceptional benefit for those who have served (or are currently serving) in any of the armed forces. And this VA Loan Program is helping thousands of service members achieve the goal of home ownership.

A Mortgage Pre-Approval Can Help You In Your Home Purchase Negotiations

A mortgage pre-qualification is an initial estimate of what type of mortgage a borrower could get. It is limited, though, because it’s only based on what the borrower tells the lender, which might not be the same as what the lender finds out when it goes through a full process of analyzing the borrower and his credit.

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