All posts tagged: Mortgages

What Happens at a Mortgage Loan Closing Meeting? Let’s Take a Look

So you’ve found the perfect home, the seller has accepted your offer, and now you’re just waiting for the mortgage to close before you wrap up the sale and take possession. It’s time for the closing meeting. But what does this meeting entail? And what do you need to prepare for it? Here’s what you need to know.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Refinancing a Traditional Mortgage to a FHA Mortgage

Refinancing a mortgage can provide a homeowner with many benefits, and many are interested in refinancing their traditional mortgage into an FHA mortgage to take advantage of low interest rates. Depending on the specific circumstances, this step may lower the monthly payment, reduce interest charges, adjust the loan term so that it is more beneficial for achieving financial goals and more.

Refinancing Tips: 5 Questions to Ask Your Lender to Ensure You’ve Done Your Homework

If you’re looking to refinance your home, you’re likely going to benefit from lower mortgage payments. But lower mortgage payments aren’t the whole story with a refinance. Before you refinance, you’ll want to ask your lender these five key questions – it’ll help you ensure you’re getting a deal you can afford.

Understanding the Principal Limit on a Reverse Mortgage and What Happens if You Reach It

If you’re considering applying for a reverse mortgage, you’ll want to ensure you understand certain critical factors. One such factor is the principal limit. The principal limit will have a strong influence on your finances, which is why you’ll need to ensure you know – before applying for your reverse mortgage – what your principal limit is.

Did You Know? Why a Mortgage Pre-qualification Meeting Might Be Your Best Use of 5 Minutes

If you’re in the market for a mortgage, you may want to set up a pre-qualification meeting with a bank or lender. Even if you’re not sure which lender you’d like to apply for a mortgage with, pre-qualification can still be a valuable step to take. And given that it only takes a few minutes, it’s something every potential homeowner can do.

What Are the Advantages to Paying off Your Mortgage Early? Here Are a Few That Might Entice You

If you’re looking into fixed term mortgages, you might be wondering whether there’s any reason why you should take the full term to pay off the loan. In a lot of cases, paying off a mortgage before it comes due is a great decision. If you’re considering paying off your mortgage early, you’ll experience a variety of benefits – here are just a few of them.

Looking to Close Faster? Follow This Easy Guide to Speeding Up the Mortgage Process

If you’re buying a home, you’ll want to try to get your mortgage processed as quickly as possible. Improperly filed mortgage applications are one of the biggest reasons why home sales get delayed, and if you have a hard move-out date already set, it’s critical that your mortgage process goes smoothly.

Mortgages 101: How to Calculate How Much You Will Need for Your Down Payment

If you’re planning to buy a home in the near future, you’re probably already in the process of saving up for a down payment. But if you haven’t seen a mortgage advisor or started looking at properties yet, you probably don’t have a good idea of what a down payment will cost you.

Understanding the Reverse Mortgage and How to Best Use This Unique Financial Tool

If you’ve studied the real estate market recently, you’ve probably heard about the reverse mortgage. This unique tool is a financial arrangement designed for senior citizens who have limited incomes and want to use the equity in their homes to meet their everyday expenses. And although it’s becoming increasingly popular, few homeowners truly understand it.

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