All posts tagged: Mortgages

Understanding Lower FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums and How They May Help You Save Money

FHA loans are designed to help individuals take advantage of the benefits of home ownership, and these loans have low down payment requirements. Recently, the FHA has announced a lower rate for FHA mortgage insurance premiums, and this can help home buyers save money.

Save Some Additional Cash with Our Guide to Lowering Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

If you are like many other homeowners, your home mortgage payment is the single largest expense in your monthly budget. This is a fixed expense that you will typically be responsible for until your loan is paid in full or until you sell your home, and you may have a 15, 20 or even 30 year term on your mortgage.

Yes, It’s Possible to Get a Mortgage Without a Favorable Credit History – Here’s What You Will Need

There are several factors that are reviewed when you apply for a home mortgage, and one of the initial factors is your credit rating. You may already be aware that you have a lower credit score, or you may have learned about your credit issues after speaking with a mortgage professional. The good news is that you may still be able to get a mortgage without a favorable credit history with a few things.

Should You Be Worried About Skipping Multiple Mortgage Payments? Yes, and Here’s Why

If you are skipping multiple mortgage payments, you should be concerned about your financial situation. There are several important reasons why you may want to take action to improve your situation or to work out a payment arrangement with your mortgage company.

Thinking About Buying a Rental Property? 3 Reasons You’ll Want to Get a Mortgage Pre-Approval

A rental property is a wonderful investment option to consider, and it can provide you with everything from considerable tax benefits to appreciation and monthly cash flow. While you may be eager to get started searching for a new rental property to invest in, a good idea is to take the initial step to get pre-approved for your mortgage.

Suffering from Credit Problems? Understanding Mortgage Lenders and How They Assess Your Credit

One of the most significant factors a mortgage lender will review when you apply for a new mortgage loan is your credit history and rating. While some people have stellar credit, others have a troubled credit history with lower scores. If you fall into the latter scenario, you may be wondering how lenders will assess your credit situation when you apply for a mortgage in the near future.

How Does Making Lump Sum Payments Affect Your Mortgage? Let’s Take a Look

Periodically, many homeowners will receive a rather sizable amount of extra cash. This may be from a bonus from your employer, a refund on your tax return, a financial gift from a relative or something else altogether. Before you make your decision about how to spend your money, consider what impact your lump sum payment will have on your mortgage.

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