All posts tagged: Mortgages

The HARP Refinance Program Has Been Extended into 2016: Here’s How You Can Take Advantage

With the Home Affordable Refinancing Program recently being extended until the last day of December, 2016, many homeowners who have found their assets in a challenging situation have been given a second chance to apply and receive an affordable mortgage.

You Ask, We Answer: 5 Ways That You Can Proactively Build and Improve Your Credit Score

If you’re planning to buy a house or take out a business loan in the near future, you’ll want to work hard to boost your credit score well ahead of time in order to improve your likelihood of getting the loan you need. But what can you do in order to build your credit score over time? Here’s what you need to know.

Three Tips to Ensure That a Reverse Mortgage Makes Sense for Your Financial Situation

If you’re having financial troubles, or if you need to free up a large sum in a short period of time, a reverse mortgage is a great way to get the money you need without having to take on new debt or make monthly payments. The great advantages of a reverse mortgage are that you don’t need to make any loan payments until you decide to move out of the house and that in spite of the interest rates attached, you’ll never owe more than the value of your home.

Can You Refinance into a VA Mortgage from Another Type of Mortgage? Yes, If You Qualify

VA mortgages stand out as one of the biggest benefits to men and women serving in the military. Although private lenders make the loan, the Department of Veterans Affairs guarantees all VA mortgages, which is why these loans come with favorable terms and benefits not found with other mortgage types.

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