All posts tagged: New Home

Millennials Are Finding Home Buying Overwhelming

Many millennials find home buying overwhelming due to a variety of factors such as high housing prices, student loan debt, competition from investors, economic uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge about the home-buying process. These challenges can make it difficult for millennials to save enough money for a down payment, find a suitable property, and navigate the complex process of buying a home.

Navigating A Market With Higher Interest Rate

Even though interest rates have gone up significantly during the past few months, there are still opportunities for you to find a home at a great price. The high interest rate can be discouraging for some people, but as long as you know how to navigate the market, you can still put yourself in a position to be successful.

Should You Consider Purchasing A Newly Built Home?

If you have been in the process of looking for a home for a long time, you understand just how difficult it has been. You might have considered building your own house, but after seeing the bidding wars for land before you even start building, you may have crossed newly built homes off your list. Now, there are a few reasons why you should consider adding new homes back to your search.

Escrow And Your Mortgage: The Most Important Points To Know

There are a lot of complicated terms thrown around regarding your mortgage, and one of them is an escrow account. You will probably hear that your lender will collect some additional money every month for escrow payments. If you take a look at your mortgage statement, you will see your interest, your principal, and your escrow. What does this mean, and why do you have to pay additional money that isn’t going toward the balance of your loan?

The Right (And Wrong) Reasons To Buy A House

There are many people who dream of owning a home, but you need to purchase your home for the right reasons. Simply purchasing a house because other people are doing so is not a strong reason to make such an expensive purchase. What are some of the reasons why you should purchase a house? What are some examples of bad reasons to buy a home?

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