Currently browsing: Home Seller Tips

How to Differentiate Your Home from the Neighbors for a Faster Sale

When it comes to selling your home, there can be a lot of options on the market, and nothing is quite so competitive as having your house listed right alongside the home of your neighbor. If you’re struggling with how to highlight your home to potential homebuyers, here are some things you can do to ensure it gets the attention it deserves.

What Young Buyers Want: 4 Home Must-haves When Selling to Millennials

Many millennials are set to flood the real estate market in the coming years to invest in a home of their own, but what is it that this group of young people is looking for in their property? From sizeable kitchens to a sustainable ethos, here are some of the things that will likely appeal to millennials searching for an ideal place of their own to settle.

4 Negotiation Tips for Home Sellers

When you’ve already placed your home on the market, it can seem like the stress is over once you’ve received the offer, but the buck doesn’t stop there. Instead of being caught off guard when the time comes to negotiate, consider these tips that will assist in making the sale.

3 Ways to Add Emotional Cues to Make Buyers Feel at Home for a Quicker Sale

There are a lot of ways you can effectively stage your home to snag the attention of potential buyers, but there are often a few extra things you can do to really engage the senses of your guests. If you’re hoping for an instant offer and are pulling out all the stops to sell your home, here are some ways you can emotionally engage with visitors to your home.

4 Tips to Staging Your Home on a Budget

Many people think that staging a home effectively is a matter of money, but there are easy ways to dress it up and make it shine that don’t come with a high cost. If you’re looking for some economical tips that will go a long way in making a positive impression, here are a few ways to get your home prepared.

How Offering Buyer Incentives Will Get Your House Sold Faster

From free pizza to a complimentary stay, there are many things home sellers have offered up in order to get their home off of the market and out of their hands. While buyer incentives can certainly come off as gimmicky, here’s why people have used these in the past and a few options you may want to consider if you’re experiencing setbacks with selling your home.

How to Determine the Price of Your Home for Sale

Many people rely on the price they paid for their home as a starting point for selling, but with the ever-shifting tides of the real estate market, the price paid is not always the best metric to go by. If you’re putting your home up for sale and are looking for the ideal price point, here are some ways you can arrive at a number that will keep potential buyers interested.

Selling Your Half of a Jointly-owned Home? Here’s What You Need to Know

There are many factors to consider when it comes to selling your home, and if you own your home with someone else the details involved can be even more confusing. If you’re wading into your co-ownership options and are curious about your next steps, here’s a short list of some things to think about.

3 Psychological Hacks That Will Help You Sell Your Home Faster

From real estate agents to home buyers, there are so many tips out there on how to sell your home that it can be overwhelming to determine which tricks will boost your success rate and make the sale. If you’re looking for a few sure-fire hacks for getting your home off the market quickly, the following may do a lot of the hard work for you so that selling won’t remain a worry for long.

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