All posts tagged: Home Loan

The Benefits of Using a Veterans (VA) Loan To Purchase Your Home

U.S. military veterans have opportunities to enjoy some richly-deserved benefits in other aspects of their lives, including some special options for financing their homes. VA loans may give active military personnel, retired veterans, and sometimes surviving family members of veterans the ability to purchase homes that might not prove available to them through more conventional mortgage loans.

A 20 Percent Down Payment: Is This Really Necessary?

Purchasing a home is a major decision, and it could be the most expensive financial transaction somebody ever makes. Therefore, it is important to get this right. One of the biggest hurdles for a new homeowner is coming up with enough money for the down payment. A lot of people believe they require 20 percent down to purchase a home.

What To Know About Shopping For Mortgage Rates

Applying for a home loan can be an exciting process; however, this is a major financial decision. Therefore, potential homeowners need to make sure they understand how to shop for the best mortgage rate possible. A mortgage is usually a long-term loan, allowing potential homeowners to purchase a home using small monthly payments. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools available that can make the process easier. What do potential homeowners need to know when shopping for mortgage rates?

4 Ways To Get Your Home Loan Closed Faster

You’ve finally found the perfect home for your family. Now the only thing standing between you and domestic bliss is the loan process. Use these techniques to shorten the amount of time between placing your bid and getting the final approval on your new home mortgage.

The Four Best Questions To Ask Before Refinancing Your Mortgage

When trying to decide what to do, compare the cost of refinancing with what it would cost you in additional interest to hold on to your existing loan. While the breakdown is different for every borrower, generally, you’ll need to keep your current house and loan for anywhere from three to six years to break even on the costs of refinancing.

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